This is a continuation of my previous post on my takeaways of Git. Following this back-end basic roadmap, I will be going over the basics of backend languages in today post. I won’t be covering everything, just my takeaways of what I think is valuable.

When it comes to Backend Web Development – we primarily require a backend (or you can say server-side) programming language to make the website function along with various other tools & technologies such as databases, frameworks, web servers, etc.

Pick a language from the given list and make sure to learn its quirks, core details about its concurrency, memory model, runtime etc.

Basics of concurrency, memory model, and runtime:


Concurrency refers to the ability of multiple threads to access shared resources simultaneously. Concurrency means happening at (about) the same time. As opposed to happening in parallel, truly.

Comparison of backend languages

Language Concurrency Runtime Memory Model Use Cases
Python Multi-threading, asyncio Interpreted, CPython, PyPy Dynamic, managed Web applications, Data analysis, AI/ML, Scripting
Rust Async, multi-threading, Actor model Compiled Ownership, Borrowing System programming, WebAssembly, Embedded systems
Go Goroutines, channels Compiled, Go runtime Garbage collected Network services, Concurrent processing
PHP Multi-threading (limited), async (libraries) Interpreted, Zend Engine Dynamic, managed Web development, CMS, E-commerce platforms
JavaScript Event loop, async/await Interpreted, Node.js runtime Dynamic, managed Web development, Server-side applications
Java Threads, Future, CompletableFuture Compiled to bytecode, JVM Garbage collected Enterprise applications, Android apps, Web services
C# Async/await, Task Parallel Library Compiled to bytecode, CLR Garbage collected Web applications, Desktop applications, Games
Ruby Threads, Fibers Interpreted, YARV Dynamic, managed Web applications (Rails), Scripting, Prototyping

Let’s look at some of the criteria to considered:


  • Python and Ruby have limitations in concurrency due to GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), though they support multi-threading and have asynchronous libraries.
  • Rust and Go are known for their efficient concurrency models. Rust uses advanced concepts like ownership and borrowing, while Go uses goroutines and channels.
  • Java, C#, and JavaScript (Node.js) support asynchronous programming and are quite capable in handling concurrent processes.


  • Python, PHP, JavaScript, and Ruby are interpreted languages with dynamic memory management, often leading to slower runtime performance compared to compiled languages.

    Python: source code -> interpreter -> operating system -> hardware.

  • Rust, Go, Java, and C# have compiled runtimes, offering generally better performance. Java and C# run on virtual machines (JVM and CLR), which offer cross-platform support.

    Java: bytecode -> virtual machine -> machine code -> operating system -> hardware.

C++: machine code -> operating system -> hardware.

Memory Model:

  • Rust has a unique memory model focusing on safety without a garbage collector.
  • Go, Java, and C# use garbage collection to manage memory, balancing performance and ease of use.
  • Python, PHP, JavaScript, and Ruby have dynamic memory models with managed garbage collection, which simplifies development at the cost of some control and efficiency.

Use Cases:

  • Python and Ruby are often chosen for their ease of use and rapid development capabilities, especially in web applications and scripting.
  • ust is gaining popularity for system-level programming and scenarios where safety and performance are critical.
  • Go is preferred for networked applications and services requiring high concurrency.
  • PHP remains a staple for traditional web development.
  • JavaScript (Node.js) is ubiquitous in modern web development.
  • Java and C# are used extensively in enterprise environments for their robustness and scalability.

Other criteria to consider include:

Language Targeted Platform Elasticity of Language Time to Production Performance Support and Community
Python Cross-platform, web, data science High (Dynamic typing) Fast Lower (interpreted) Very large, widespread use
Rust Cross-platform, system, embedded, WebAssembly Low (Strict type system) Slower Very high (compiled) Growing, strong backing by Mozilla
Go Cross-platform, server-side, cloud Moderate (Balanced simplicity) Quick High (compiled, efficient for concurrency) Growing, strong backing by Google
PHP Web development High (Dynamic, flexible) Fast Moderate (interpreted) Large, especially in web development
JavaScript Web, server-side (Node.js), mobile (React Native) High (Dynamic, flexible) Fast Good (V8 engine optimizations) Very large, diverse applications
Java Cross-platform, enterprise, Android Moderate (Strong typing, flexible frameworks) Moderate Good (JVM optimizations) Very large, enterprise focus
C# Cross-platform (.NET Core), desktop, web, mobile, games Moderate (Strong typing, flexible frameworks) Moderate Good (CLR optimizations) Large, strong backing by Microsoft
Ruby Cross-platform, web (Ruby on Rails) High (Dynamic typing) Fast Lower (interpreted) Dedicated, particularly around Rails


I didn’t make comparison in terms of speed due to the fact that it’s hard to compare languages. It’s better to compare the speed of a specific task. Also, although it can be faster to run a specific task, would it be faster to develop considering the learning curve and current codebase?

It’s also worth noting that:

  • the performance of a language is not the only factor that affects the performance of a web application. The performance of a web application is also affected by the performance of the web server, the database, the network, and the client-side code.
  • programming languages are always updated and improved. For example, Python 3.10 is faster than Python 3.9 due to faster method calls and more efficient memory management. There are always pros and cons. Don’t learn everything, just learn what you need for your use cases and master it.

One note about Python and Mojo. As I said, languages change over time. Overcome the limitations of Python: Python is known for its slow speed. However, I just got to know about Mojo

Mojo combines the usability of Python with the performance of C, unlocking unparalleled programmability of AI hardware and extensibility of AI models.

Sample code with Mojo

The reason why Mojo is fast is Mojo is compiled to machine code, while Python is interpreted. This means that Mojo code can be executed directly by the CPU, while Python code must first be translated into an intermediate form called bytecode. This translation process adds to the overhead of executing Python code. I will cover another in-depth post about Mojo in the future.

Read more about Mojo here.

How Mojo is 35,000x faster than Python? Read more here.

In the next post, I will talk about the basics of CPU (cocurrency, I/O, memory management, etc)


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